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A/Prof Rabin Tuladhar

Assoc. Prof. Rabin Tuladhar is the Head of Engineering in the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University (JCU).  Rabin served as the Director of Engineering Studies (2018-2020) and Associate Dean Learning and Teaching (ADLT) (2012-2018) for the College of Science and Engineering. He successfully led Engineering program through Engineers Australia Accreditation in 2016. Rabin played an instrumental role in conceptualizing and establishing two very successful engineering programs at JCU, which include Master of Engineering (Prof) and Bachelor of Engineering in Internet of Things. During his tenure as ADLT, he implemented Major-Minor structure in Engineering; project based learning in a number of subjects; and systematic mapping of learning outcomes for Engineering disciplines.

Rabin is a Civil Engineer, with specialisation in Concrete and Structure Engineering. He has established close collaborations with local industries to conduct translational research in the areas of sustainable and innovative construction materials, durability of structures, rehabilitation of aged infrastructure and structural health monitoring. Rabin led the research team, which was awarded the Australian Innovation Challenge 2015 for the development of 100% recycled plastic fibre for concrete reinforcement. Rabin is also a Fellow of Engineers Australia and is a Chartered Professional Engineer.

He teaches Structural Engineering to the second and third year Civil Engineering students. He is also involved in curriculum design, quality assurance in teaching, industry liaison, and academic advising. In 2011, within two years of his academic career at JCU, he was awarded Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) national citation and JCU faculty citation for his outstanding contribution to student learning.

A/Prof Rabin Tuladhar - Research Portfolio - James Cook University (jcu.edu.au)

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